Road construction ahead. Be prepared to reduce speed. You have seen the signs and perhaps dread the orange barrels. Yet we love well-maintained highways that make it easy to travel to our various destinations throughout the state. Although inconvenient, the West Virginia Division of Highways must employ workers to repair roads during the daytime out of necessity. These work zones are some of the most dangerous “offices” in the state.

Take, for example, the following statistics that were highlighted in a recent work zone safety awareness campaign created by the West Virginia Department of Transportation (DOT). In the video, “Beyond the Barrel,” it states that up to three people are killed in a work zone every day. It later cites that someone is injured in a work zone about every nine minutes.

These alarming statistics have prompted the DOT to create the safety campaign to protect the health and safety of its many employees throughout the state. The issue became so bad last fall –after two workers were injured on roadways cleaning up the debris from Hurricane Sandy—that the DOT issued a public announcement reminding West Virginians to slow down in workzones.

Workzone injuries can be particularly devastating because the workers are often exposed to cars and heavy machinery. If you have been injured in a work zone-related incident, a West Virginia work accident lawyer can evaluate your case and help you recover compensation for the injuries you sustained.

Please call one of the experienced attorneys at Calwell Luce diTrapano PLLC at 304-400-6558 or contact us online to schedule your appointment.