With the multitude of products on the market to prevent pesky bugs, we often overlook the possibility that pesticides can be dangerous, but they can be very harmful to your health. According to a recent study, people with genetic mutations linked to Parkinson’s disease have an increased risk of developing the neurodegenerative disorder if they are exposed to certain pesticides. This is a serious breakthrough in Parkinson’s research, as 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with the disease every year. However, it also shows that pesticides are more dangerous than we like to believe.

There are numerous dangers associated with pesticide exposure, and more are coming to light with each new study. Here are some points to consider when it comes to pesticide exposure and your health:

Types of exposures

There are four ways in which pesticides come into contact with the human body: oral ingestion, inhalation, ocular exposure and dermal exposure. Approximately 97 percent of all bodily exposure to pesticide occurs when it is sprayed directly onto the skin. However, people who work in industries with poor ventilation and fumigation experience the highest exposure rates through inhalation.

Symptoms of pesticide exposure

There are a number of signs and symptoms associated with an overexposure to pesticide, including vomiting, diarrhea, headache, weakness, excessive sweating, chills, chest pains and difficulty breathing. There are also long-term delayed side effects, such as impaired vision, nervous system damage, tumors, cancer and changes in the hormone or endocrine system. These ailments may take years to manifest after exposure to pesticides.

If you think you may be the victim of pesticide exposure, contact an experienced West Virginia attorney. A lawyer can advise you about your full legal rights and options.